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Artifacts Folders Overview | Sibme Help Center
Artifacts Folders Overview | Sibme Help Center

Folders can be used to organize artifacts in a user’s Workspace or within Huddles.

TJ Hoffman avatar
Written by TJ Hoffman
Updated over 8 months ago

Folders can be used to organize artifacts in a user’s Workspace, Huddle Landing Page, or within a Huddle. Once a Folder is created, a user can drop artifacts, including videos or other uploaded resources, into the Huddle. Folders can be nested to create an extra layer of organization and they can also be used on mobile devices.

Who is this article for?

Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your Sibme account administrator if you have permission.

  • Users

  • Admin

  • Super Admin

  • Account Owner

Steps to accomplish the task:

Creating a Folder

To create a Folder on the webapp, go to the location where you would like to create the folder and click on the New Folder button.

If you create a Folder in a Huddle, then all members of the Huddle will be able to see the contents of the Folder. In the below example, the Folder will be added to a users Workspace.

Grid View

By default, folders will be on Grid view and arranged at the top according to the date it was created.

Grid View: Expanded View - When folders within a User’s Workspace or Huddle are on Expanded Grid View, users will be able to know specific types and quantities of contents that are included within a folder (Videos, Resources, URLs, Notes, Folders).

Grid View: Collapsed - When folders within a User’s Workspace or Huddle are on Collapsed Grid View, users can only see the date the folder was created and name of the creator.

Users have the option to arrange folders based on the date the folder was created, title of the folder, or last date the folder was modified.

List View

If the User prefers to view the folders within their Workspace or Huddle through a list, they can just click on the List View icon below the green plus button. Folders can also be arranged accordingly and users will be able to know specific types and quantities of contents that are included within a folder (Videos, Resources, URLs, Notes, Folders).

Adding Contents to a Folder

You have two options to add artifacts to the folder you created.

First, you can easily drag and drop the artifact to the folder you want to move it to.

Or, on the artifact you want to move, click on the . . . icon and choose Move.

Select the folder name and click Move.

If you accidentally click the wrong folder name, do not worry! Just go to the folder where you initially placed the file and repeat the process to move the artifact back into your Workspace or Huddle.

Sharing and Editing Folder

Folders can be Renamed by clicking Edit, Moved, or Deleted by clicking on the . . . icon on Grid View You can also find the same icon on List View, however, the share icon is separated from the options.

Grid View

List View

When sharing folders, all of the contents of the folder are shared with it. If you are sharing a folder to a Huddle with different members, then the original members that had access will no longer be able to see the folder and members of the new Huddle will have access to all the contents in the folder. If you Delete a folder, then all users that have access to the folder will no longer have access to the contents of the folder. If you Move an artifact out of a folder to another folder, then the same situation will happen. Members that previously had access to that artifact no longer will have access and members of the new location will have access.

Folders are a powerful way for users to organize their artifacts and videos as well allow other users access to viewing those artifacts.

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