This article will explain the options available for sorting assessments in the Assessment Tracker. The Assessment Tracker is available to those who use Assessment Huddles (typically only used by Higher Ed programs/instructors who want student submissions of performance-based videos).
Who is this article for?
Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to access this tracker if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.
Super Admin
Account Owner
The Sibme Assessment Tracker enables instructors, administrators, and other evaluators to track and monitor videos that have been submitted for assessment by assessees in Assessment Huddles.
To access the assessment tracker, click on the Huddle Tracker button on the home page. Then, click on the Assessment Tracker tab.
By default, the assessment tracker will open with assessment huddles sorted by date published with the most recent assessment at the top.
The search bar located directly below the tabs, allows users to search by both assessment name and name of assessor. In addition to the search feature, the assessments can be sorted by accessing the dropdown menu located to the right of the search bar. Available sort options are Date published, Due date and My assessments.
When sorted by due date, the assessments are listed newest to oldest.
When sorted by “My assessments,” only the assessment huddles that the viewer is participating in will be seen. These will be sorted by date published with the most recent assessment at the top.