This list shows the current available AI Reports in Sibme, with descriptions of how each report is generated.
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Here are each report and the changes for each:
Video or Audio Info
This report summarizes the transcript of the audio or video recording in a paragraph and bulleted list.
Teacher Talk vs. Student Talk by Time (Total)
The Teacher Talk vs. Student Talk by Time (Total) chart is created by an AI model that analyzes a classroom audio or video's transcript to map out when and who is speaking as well as when there is silence. The x-axis represents time, while the y-axis lists individual speakers. All student speakers have been combined into one row to go along with the teacher, when there is silence, and when a group of speakers were talking. Points along a speaker's row indicate when they were speaking in the video. By clicking on these points, you can jump directly to that specific moment in the video.
Teacher Talk vs. Student Talk by Time
The Teacher Talk vs. Student Talk by Time chart is created by an AI model that analyzes a classroom audio or video's transcript to map out when and who is speaking as well as when there is silence. The x-axis represents time, while the y-axis lists individual speakers. Each speaker, whether a teacher or a student, is given their own row. When there is silence and when there are a group of speakers talking also get their own rows. Points along a speaker's row indicate when they were speaking in the video. By clicking on these points, you can jump directly to that specific moment in the video.
Teacher Talk vs. Student Talk (Pie Chart)
The Teacher Talk vs. Student Talk pie chart, generated by an AI analysis of a classroom video or audio, represents the proportion of speaking time for the teacher versus the students as well as when there is silence and a group of speakers talking. slices show “Teacher Talk Time”, “Student Talk Time”, “Silence”, and “Group Talk”. It provides a quick visual comparison of dialogue balance in the classroom.
Question Distribution by Time
The Question Distribution by Time bar chart uses AI to analyze a classroom video and audio's transcript. It shows when the teacher and students asked questions. On the chart, the x-axis marks time intervals in the video, while the y-axis counts the number of questions. Different colors bars distinguish between teacher and student questions. By clicking on these bars, you can jump directly to that specific moment in the video. Studying the height and distribution of these bars over time, you can gauge the engagement and dialogue dynamics in the classroom.
Question Distributions of Closed-Ended vs. Open-Ended Questions
The Question Distribution of Closed-Ended vs. Open-Ended Questions bar chart is generated by an AI model analyzing a classroom video or audio's transcript. It classifies questions asked by both the teacher and students into two types: Open-Ended and Closed-Ended. Open-Ended questions, which require more detailed responses beyond a simple "yes", "no", or static reply, are depicted in one color. Close-Ended questions, which can be answered with a "yes", "no", or a response chosen from given options, are depicted in a different color. Each speaker type (teacher and student) has its own pair of bars for each question type on the x-axis. The y-axis shows the number of questions for each type. By comparing the heights of these bars, you can understand the balance and nature of questions asked by both the teacher and students during the class.
Cold Call vs. Other Questions
The Cold Call vs. Choral Response Questions chart uses AI to track 'Cold Call' and 'Choral Response' strategies in a classroom video or audio. 'Cold Call' refers to questions aimed at a specific student, 'Volunteer response' refers to questions where any student can volunteer to respond, 'Choral Response' involves questions intended for a unified response from all students, and 'Rhetorical' refers to questions not intended for response. By comparing frequencies of these strategies, the chart provides insight into the teacher's balance of individual and group engagement.
Teacher Questions - Student Responses by Gender
The Teacher Questions - Student Responses by Gender chart shows the total number of questions the teacher asked and the gender of the students who answered the questions. The gender of the speaker is determined by the audio portion of the Video.
Student Questions - All Responses by Gender
The Student Questions - All Responses by Gender chart shows the gender of the questions the student asked. Then the chart shows how many questions the teacher answered and the number and gender of the questions the students answered. The gender of the speaker is determined by the audio portion of the Video.
Teacher Language Complexity
The Teacher Language Complexity chart gives three different metrics describing the level and complexity at which the teacher in the video is communicating. The three different metrics and their definitions are:
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: A mathematical formula that takes into account the average sentence length and the average number of syllables per word.
SMOG Index Grade Level: Calculates the readability based on the number of polysyllabic words in a passage. Very accurate for ensuring speech aligns with a specific grade level.
Dale-Chall Readability Score: Incorporates a list of 3,000 familiar words and measures how often unfamiliar words are used to calculate a readability score. This number does not correlate to a grade level but a conversion chart is available here.
Teacher Sentiment Distribution by Time - Text
The Teacher Sentiment Distribution by Time - Text chart is a tool that uses AI to analyze the transcription data from a classroom video or audio, mapping out the teacher's emotions over time. This means it takes the words and phrases the teacher uses, and predicts the associated emotions at each moment in the video. This is presented in a timeline format, where the x-axis represents the time progression in the video and the y-axis represents the different emotions detected. By clicking on a point on the timeline, you can jump directly to that specific moment in the video.
Teacher Sentiment Distribution - Text
The Teacher Sentiment Distribution - Text chart is a visual report derived from analyzing the transcription of a classroom video. It provides insights into the emotional state of the teacher during the video. The chart uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to analyze the words and phrases the teacher uses in their speech. Each slice of the pie chart represents a different emotion, and the size of each slice reflects the percentage of the time the teacher expressed that particular emotion.
Hand Raised Detection by Time
The Hand Raised Detection by Time chart is created by an AI model that analyzes a classroom video to map out when a student raised their hand. The x-axis represents time, while the y-axis lists individual students. Each student is given their own row. Hand icons along a speaker's row indicate when they raised their hand in the video. By clicking on these points, you can jump directly to that specific moment in the video.
Behavior Specific vs. Generic Feedback
The Behavior Specific vs. Generic Feedback chart is created by an AI model that analyzes a classroom audio or video's transcript to track Behavior Specific or Generic Feedback during the recording. Behavior Specific Feedback is feedback that focuses on particular actions, behaviors, or performance of an individual in a specific situation. General Feedback is general and lacks specific details about the individual's actions or performance. By comparing the frequency of Behavior Specific and Generic Feedback, insight into the teacher's ability to reinforce positive and lasting behavior can be explored.
Teacher Words per Minute
The Words per Minute (WPM) AI report for Sibme AI analyzes the rate of speech of a teacher speaker in a classroom video or audio file. The report provides valuable insights into the teacher's speaking pace, helping to assess their delivery and engagement with students. By measuring the number of words spoken per minute, the report can identify if the teacher's speech is too fast or too slow, allowing for effective feedback and improvement. This analysis aids in optimizing communication and ensuring an optimal learning experience for students.
Wait Time
The Wait Time chart is created by an AI model that analyzes a classroom audio or video's transcript to map out when Wait Time 1 and 2 occur after the teacher asks a question. The x-axis represents time, while the y-axis shows when a teacher asks a question, the amount of Wait Time 1, the time and duration of the students response, and the amount of Wait Time 2. Wait Time 1 is the amount of silence a teacher provides after they ask a question so that students can think about their answers. Wait Time 2 is the amount of silence a teacher gives after a student has responded so that all students can reflect on the response. By clicking on these points, you can jump directly to that specific moment on the audio or video timeline.
Teacher Movement
The Teacher Movement chart is created by an AI model that analyzes a Video to map out where a teacher moves in their classroom. The camera view is divided into 9 zones in a 3x3 grid and the AI tracks which zone a teacher's head is in during the video. The data is then divided into a grid and chart below. The numbered grid shows an image from the Video and indicates the position of each zone. The chart shows which zones were visited and how long the teacher spent in each zone. The x-axis of the timeline chart represents time, while the y-axis are the 9 zones. By clicking on points in the chart, you can jump directly to that specific moment in the Video timeline. Disclaimer: The Teacher Movement chart will be more accurate if the camera is not moved during recording and takes in as much of the classroom as possible.