Adding Forms to Huddles and Action Items allows you to customize some optional settings. Optional Settings for Forms in Huddles are listed below. Optional Settings for Forms in Action Items are defined by the existing Optional Settings for Action Items. How these settings to Forms are described below.
Who is this article for?
Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.
Super Admin
Account Owner
You will see these optional settings when you are assigning or Using a form or by clicking on the more menu (...).
Allow Form Assignee to save Form before submission
Default: On
This allows the Form Assigner to decide whether the Form can be saved or not. If this setting is off, then the Form Assignee will only be able to Submit the Form. If the setting is on, then the Form Assignee will be able to Save or Submit the Form. If the Form is saved, then the Form Assignee will be able to return to the Form and continue to work on it. The Form Due Date, if applicable, will affect this as well.
Allow Form Assignee to edit Form after submission
Default: Off
This allows the Form Assigner to give the Form Assignee permission to edit the Form after the Form has been submitted. If this setting is off, then when the Form Assignee returns to their Form, they will only be able to review the submission (all fields will be read-only). If this setting is on, then the Form Assignee will be able to click on the tile and continue to work on the Form even if it has been submitted.
Please Note: For Forms with a Due Date, the “Allow Forms to be submitted after the Due Date” setting sets whether the Form can be edited after the Due Date or not. If the Form is allowed to be submitted after the Due Date, then the Form will also be able to be edited after the Due Date if this setting is on.
Allow Form Assignee to restart their submission
Default: Off
This setting allows the Form Assigner to give the Form Assignee the ability to restart their Form Submission. If this setting is off, then the Restart option will be grayed out in the (...) more menu. The Form Assigner would still be able to delete the Form. If this setting is on, then the Form Assignee will have the Restart ability in the . . . more menu. This will delete the Form submission and allow the Form Assignee to refill the Form out and resubmit.
Please Note: For Forms with a Due Date, the “Allow Forms to be submitted after the Due Date” setting sets whether the Form can be restarted after the Due Date or not. If the Form is allowed to be submitted after the Due Date, then the Form will also be able to be restarted and resubmitted after the Due Date if this setting is on.
Allow Form Assignee to Duplicate the Form after submission
Default: Off
This setting allows the Form Assigner to give the Form Assignee the ability to fill the Form out multiple times by duplicating their submitted Form. If this setting is on, then Duplicate will appear in the . . . more menu and will function as specified above. This will allow a Form Assignee to duplicate a Form Submission and submit the Form multiple times. If this setting is off, then the Form Assignee will not be able to duplicate the Form and will only be able to fill the Form out once.
Receive Email Notifications for Form Submissions
Default: Off
If this setting is off, then the Form Assigner will not receive email notifications when a Form Assignee submits there Form. If this setting is on, then the Form Assigner will receive email notifications for all Form Assignees' submitted Forms. Email Notifications are covered below in Row #12.
In addition to the settings listed above, Huddle specific settings govern how different roles within a Huddle will have access to a Form Submission. Please note there are 2 different Collaboration Huddle Settings pages based upon whether the Form has a Due Date or not. Here are the details:
Collaboration Huddle
Allow Huddle Creator/Owners to view this submission
Default: Off
If this setting is off, then the Form Assigner and the Form Assignee will be the only Users who can see the Form Submission. If this setting is on, the the Huddle Creator, All Huddle Owners, the Form Assigner, and the Form Assignee will be able to see the Form Submission.
Allow all Huddle Participants to view this submission
Default: Off
If this setting is off, then the Form Assigner and the Form Assignee will be the only Users who can see the Form Submission. If this setting is on, then all Participants in the Huddle will be able to see all Form Submissions. This means that all Participants in the Huddle will be taken to the Form Submission List when clicking on the Form Tile. If the User is supposed to fill the Form out, then they will be listed first as described above.
Collaboration Huddle with Due Date
Allow Forms to be submitted after the Due Date
Default: Off
If this setting is off, the a Form cannot be submitted after the Due Date has passed. The save and submit buttons will not show. If this setting is on, then a Form Assignee will be able to submit the Form after the Due Date but the pill showing submit will be yellow and the label will be “Late Submission” (please see Row #6 Screenshot #12).
Coaching Huddle
Allow Coachee to view Coach's submission
Default: Off
If this setting is off, then the Coachee will not be able to see any Coaches' Form Submissions. If this setting is on, then the Coachee will be able to see the Coaches' Form Submissions.
Allow Forms to be submitted after the Due Date
Default: Off
If this setting is off, the a Form cannot be submitted after the Due Date has passed. The save and submit buttons will not show. If this setting is on, then a Form Assignee will be able to submit the Form after the Due Date but the pill showing submit will be yellow and the label will be “Late Submission.”
Assessment Huddle
Allow Assessee to view Assessor's submission
Default: Off
If this setting is off, then the Assessee will not be able to see any Assessors' Form Submissions. If this setting is on, then the Assessee will be able to see the Assessors' Form Submissions.
Notifications for the Goal - When enabled, Collaborators and Owners will be notified when the form is submitted, or when the reviewer marks the Form Action Item undone or reviewed. Due Date reminders will also be sent 24 hours before the due date.
Action Items show on Start Date - Forms will display in Action Steps when on Start Date and can be submitted.
Goal Owner cannot mark an Action Item Done - This setting does not affect forms in Action Items. If this setting is checked, Goal Owners will still be allowed to submit a form by clicking the Action Item Done button.
Goal Owner cannot uncheck Action Items that have been marked Done- Once the Form is submitted, it cannot be edited by the Owner. In order for the Goal Owner to resubmit the form, a Reviewer will have to mark the Action Item Undone.
Evidence and Review Collaborators can add Evidence before and after the Goal Due Date has passed - If the Form has not been submitted after the due date, Evidence and Review Collaborators will continue to be able to work on the form and submit it.
Goal Owners can work on Action Items after the Goal Due Date has pased - Evidence and Review Collaborators can add Evidence before and after the Goal Due Date has passed - The Goal Owner will be able to continue to work on the Form, unsubmit (if permission hasn’t been removed) and resubmit the Form after the due date.