Release Details for Sept. 27, 2023
Here are the important features released in Sibme's Sept. 27, 2023 release.
Web Platform
Goal Updates
Record Video or Screen Record as Evidence: Now, when you click the green '+' button in an Action Item to add Evidence, you can record a Video or make a Screen Record straight into the Action Item.
Account Owners/Super Admins Can Edit Goal Templates: If you are an Account Owner or a Super Admin, you can now edit any Goal Template in the Account. You no longer have to be the Goal Creator to edit the Goal Template.
Action Item Start and Due Date Match Goal's When Using a Goal Template: When using Goal Templates to build Goal, Your Goal Start and Due Dates will be automatically copied to Action Item Start and Due Dates. The Action Items dates can be changed but this saves time by putting the Goal dates in every Action Item.
Comment Tab on videos in Action Items: When viewing a Video as Evidence in Action Items, now you can click the Comments tab to open the Video in a new tab so you can make comments on the Video.
"Many-Individual Goals" added in Account Settings Goal Settings: For Account Owner and Super Admins, we have added the ability to control who can see Many-Individual Goals if they aren't the Goal Owner, Collaborator, or Goal Creator.
Forms in Goals Updates
Evidence Section for Form-Only and Required Form Action Items: Now when a User adds an Artifact as Evidence to a Form-Only or Required Form, the Artifact Tile will now appear on the left side of the Form like in a regular Action Item. This will make it easier to view Artifacts added to a Form.
Rename, Download, Email or Delete a Form in an Action Item: Users with the correct rights will now be able to Rename, Download, Email, or Delete a Form in an Action Item from the more ... menu.
Clearer Huddle Access for adding submitted Forms from Huddles to Action Items: When adding a submitted Form to an Action Item via the green '+' button, you will only see Huddles that have Forms in them. This makes it easier to find the Form you are looking for.
Form Updates
Better Movement In Forms and Between Forms: Now it is easier to move between the different sections of a Form. It's also easier to move between Forms if you have multiple Form Assignees. Look at the top and bottom of each page of forms for new navigation options.
Optional Settings for Personal Use Forms: When using a Personal Use Form, there is now a Configure option in the . . . more menu on the Form and the Form Tile. This will allow the User to decide who sees the Form, whether Notifications are sent for the Form, etc.
Preview of Artifacts Added to a Form: If a Form Assigner OR Form Assignee adds a Video or Resource to a Form, those Artifacts are now more easily viewable in their own pop-up screens from within the Form.
Forms on Mobile
Now Forms can be assigned and filled out in Collaboration and Coaching Huddles on both our Android and iOS native apps. Submitted Forms can also be viewed on Sibme's mobile apps.
Transcription on Mobile
Now that Transcription is turned on for all Videos on Sibme's platform, the Video transcript is now viewable on our Android and iOS apps. Viewing the transcript on mobile works like it does on our webapp where the paragraph being spoken will be highlighted in blue.
Platform Updates
Sum Totals on Huddle Reports: When using Huddle Reports from Huddle Tracker and Reporting, the totals at the Huddle level are now clickable, showing you ALL the data for that Huddle. This makes it a lot easier to see the details of the actions happening in a Huddle.