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Sibme AI Insights Overview | Sibme Help Center
Sibme AI Insights Overview | Sibme Help Center

Sibme AI Insights allow you to work with the Sibme Copilot to analyze multiple artifacts in your Workspace and Huddle.

TJ Hoffman avatar
Written by TJ Hoffman
Updated over a week ago

Sibme AI Insights Overview | Sibme Help Center

Sibme AI Insights allow you to work with the Sibme Copilot to analyze multiple Artifacts in your Workspace and Huddles. Sibme Copilot is our Generative AI Copilot which has endless knowledge of education along with specific knowledge of your classroom gathered from the data you give it. Share the contents of any Artifact along with related comments, tags, attachments and AI Reports with AI Insights to gain powerful and informed feedback on your teaching.

Who is this article for?

Sibme AI Insights is a premium feature only available to Accounts who have purchased the Sibme AI package. If you do not see the AI logo in your account, contact our sales team today. When enabled in an Account, every paid user Role will have access to Sibme AI Copilot.

Steps to

accomplish the task:

To start using AI Insights, first navigate to any Artifact page in your Workspace or Huddle.

You can then access AI Insights by clicking either of the two AI buttons on the screen:

This will take you to AI Insights where you can click “go” on one of the pre-identified questions that appears. You can also view and pick from all related questions by clicking the “See All Questions” button. Alternatively, you can type any education-related question or direction into the text box and hit enter to start talking to the Copilot about your Artifacts. For more suggestions on how to interact with AI Insights, click here for the Companion Resource.

Options for Related Artifacts

This will open the AI Copilot Chat and the AI Insights Interface. By default, the Artifact will be shared with the Copilot to help define the context for your conversation. If the Artifact is a Video, a Transcript of the video will be shared automatically. If your Artifact has comments, a Framework attached, AI Reports, or any other attachments already attached, these will also be shared.

If you would like for the Copilot to not have access to any of these files, comments, Frameworks or AI Reports, simply click the radio button next to the item you wish to exclude in the panel to the right.

If you would like to add additional Resources, you can attach them by dragging them into the Chat. Files attached to a Video should be categorized into one of these categories to help the Copilot understand what the file is.

  • Lesson Plan

  • Instructional Materials

  • Slides

  • Student Work

  • Other (for any file type that does not fit into the other categories

You can categorize files when you upload them or by clicking the three dots next to the Artifact If you uploaded them before categorizing them. If you have not added a file in a certain category, a space will appear in the Related Artifacts Panel:


Sibme Copilot will save all of your AI Insight’s queries and conversations in the History panel. A session is auto-saved once you initiate the first prompt and all of your Chat history in that session will continue to save until you close the Chat panel or navigate to a different Chat conversation or AI module. To return to past conversations, click the

icon at the top of the Copilot Chat. This will open a History panel to the right with all of your past conversations stored in chronological order, most recent first. You can click the three dots to Share the conversation as a PDF to a Huddle or your Workspace, Copy the text, Export it as a PDF or Word File, Rename the conversation in the history pane, or Delete the conversation. Renaming the conversation makes it easier to keep past conversations organized, since all AI Insights conversations will have the same name (Related Artifacts) by default.

What’s Next:

  • Sibme Copilot Solutions Overview

  • Sibme Copilot Overview

  • Sibme AI Tools Overview

  • Sibme AI Tools Companion Resources

  • AI Reports

  • Sibme AI Insights Companion Resources

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