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How Do I Author Frameworks | Sibme Help Center
How Do I Author Frameworks | Sibme Help Center

Through the Rubrics & Frameworks Editor, Account Owners can create and manage frameworks, rubrics, and performance levels for their account.

TJ Hoffman avatar
Written by TJ Hoffman
Updated over 8 months ago

Frameworks, rubrics, and performance levels are powerful tools to give users feedback on their work by rating it against a standard! Through the Rubrics & Frameworks Editor, Account Owners can create and manage frameworks, rubrics, and performance levels for their account.

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Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.

  • Account Owner

How Do I Author Rubrics & Frameworks

Account Owners begin the process by building the Framework that will be used in their account. Once the Framework is built, they have the choice to add Performance Levels to this Framework. When the Framework is complete, with or without Performance Levels, it can be published and used while watching a video or in a Goal’s Action Item.

In order to author Frameworks, this premium feature must be enabled in your account. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in upgrading your plan to author and enable custom Frameworks in your account.

Accessing the Rubrics & Frameworks Editor

To get to the Rubrics & Frameworks editor, click your name in the top right corner and choose Account Settings. From the Account Settings page, click the Frameworks tile.

Authoring Rubrics & Frameworks with the Editor

To author a new Framework, select the green New button located at the top right of the screen.

The first step is to set up the parameters for the Framework. Give the Framework a name, select the number of tiers you would like, and in which tier you would like your checkbox to be located. You will be able to see a sample layout of your Framework on the right side of the screen. Be aware that the sample changes as you make changes to your parameters. If you would like this Framework to be available to children accounts, then click the “Share with child accounts” button. Once you are finished setting up your parameters, click Next.

Once the parameters are set, it is time to build your Framework. You will enter your Framework standards and their prefixes here and use the buttons at the top to navigate around your Framework:

By clicking the + button, you will be able to add a level and then update the information to that level. When you add a new level in the checkbox tier, an additional field labeled Standard Analytics Label will appear. The text you enter in this field will determine what you see as the framework standard’s label in Analytics.

To edit an existing level, click on it on the right hand side and update the information in the fields on the left. To move a level up or down, you can either click on the icon on the left of the level and drag them up or down or you can use the icons as described above. You can indent a level in or out a tier by using the buttons at the top as well. At any time, you can go back to the parameters screen by clicking the Previous button at the bottom right.

When you are done building your Framework, you can either Save the Framework OR Save and Publish the Framework. To Save and Publish, click on the down arrow next to Save and choose Save and Publish. Saving and Publishing the Framework will make it available to be used and will lock the Framework from being changed.

Once the Framework has been saved, you will be given the option to Add Performance Levels. If you decide not to add Performance Levels, you can still add them from the Rubrics & Frameworks management page at a later time (if the Framework has not been Published).

Adding Performance Levels to a Rubric & Framework

If you have Performance Levels activated in your account, you can add a Performance Level after saving a Framework (as shown above) or you can add it from the Rubrics & Frameworks management screen. Adding a Performance Level is optional and is not required for a Framework to be used.

The first thing you need to do is add a Performance Level by clicking the + button. By default, the Performance Levels entered will be Global. If you would like Unique Descriptors for your Performance Levels, then click on the Unique Descriptors button at the top of the screen. Unique Descriptors will be discussed in more detail later in the section “Adding Unique Descriptors to Your Framework”.

Adding Unique Descriptions to Your Framework

Unique Descriptions will allow you to add a Unique Description to each checkbox tier of a Framework. Selecting this option will remove the Global Description boxes from the Performance Level screen. You will create the list of your PL Titles, as described above, and enter your unique descriptions for each standard on your Framework in the next step.

Publishing and Managing Rubrics & Frameworks

From the Framework management screen in your Account Settings, you can manage and publish the frameworks in your account. Selecting the 3 horizontal dots (More) button on the row of the framework will open a menu of options. From here you may select to Edit, Publish/Unpublish, Duplicate or Delete frameworks on your list.

If you see the green bar (with the check mark) button in the Performance Level column, then you can Edit or Delete Performance Levels for that Framework. But you have to unpublish the Framework before proceeding.

Important Notes about Managing Your Rubrics & Frameworks

You can edit and delete Frameworks you are authoring anytime prior to publishing. Once published, if the rubric has been utilized in the account, editing will impact analytics. We do not recommend editing a Framework once it has been published. If you make changes to a Framework once it has been published, any framework tags in videos will be changed or deleted.

For Frameworks already published but no longer in use for your account, you can select Unpublish to avoid users from selecting them for use in Huddles they are creating. Unpublish will keep data in your analytics. Deleting a rubric or framework will delete all associated data.

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