Whether you’re searching for Huddles on your web or mobile device, it’s easy to find Huddles by name using Huddle search. Once you’ve entered a Huddle, you can search for Artifacts within that Huddle which contain certain titles, text comments, or tags.
Who is this article for?
Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.
Super Admin
Account Owner
Steps to accomplish the task:
Searching for Huddles from the Huddle Dashboard
Type the search term you are looking for in the search bar at the top of the screen and a list of Huddles containing the text will be shown.
NOTE: Huddle search will only search for exact matches in Huddle names. If your search does not return the results you expected, try refining your search or only search for part of the Huddle name to broaden the search.
You can also sort Huddles by name, date, creator, or Huddle type by selecting the options next to the Huddle Search Bar.
Searching within Huddles for specific Videos/Resources
Click the Huddle where you want to search for an Artifact.
Type the text comment, video title, custom marker or framework tag that you are searching for in the search bar at the top of a Huddle and a list matching the search term will be shown.
Your search results will show you any Artifact that contains the text you searched for, either in the Artifact title, a comment within an Artifact, or a tag in an Artifact.
NOTE: Huddle search will only search for exact matches in text. If your search does not return the results you expected, try refining your search or only searching for part of the text you desire to broaden the search.
You can also sort Artifacts within a Huddle by title, date uploaded, or by the person who uploaded the Artifact by selecting from the dropdown box next to the search bar.
Huddle search is a great tool to use when you have many Huddles. The search function within a Huddle is a great way to identify Artifacts that meet a certain criteria you are searching for. For instance, you can search for all videos containing evidence of a particular tag from your framework by searching for that particular tag in the Huddle.
What’s Next:
Once you find the Huddle and video you’re searching for, you might want to do more in that Huddle or video: