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Huddle Report | Sibme Help Center

Huddle Reports can be used to report and analyze data across Assessment, Coaching, or Collaboration Huddles.

Jeff Ritter avatar
Written by Jeff Ritter
Updated over 4 years ago

The majority of work done in Sibme takes place in Huddles. Huddles are groups of people, and like any group, sometimes one person might be doing more in one group than in another. The Huddle Report is a great way to look at user engagement in your Sibme account and compare how people are engaged in different Huddles. This way you can compare different groups in your program, and how people interact within those groups.

Who is this article for?

Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your Sibme account administrator if you have permission.

  • Admin (only for Huddles the admin participates in)

  • Super Admin

  • Account Owner


Steps to accomplish the task:

Accessing the Coaching Report

The Huddle Report can be accessed in three ways on the web version of Sibme:

1. By clicking “Huddle Tracker & Reporting” on the Home Screen.

2. From a video within a Huddle.

3. By clicking “Huddle Tracker & Reporting” on the analytics dashboard.

Data displayed in the Coaching Report

When you first click on the Huddle Report, you will see all the Huddles that have been created within the time range specified at the top of the screen. To view more data about a specific Huddle, click the expand button for that Huddle.

The row with the Huddle name displays aggregate activity data within Huddles for every participant in the Huddle. Below that information will be a table with all participants working in the Huddle showing their individual activity inside that Huddle. The default view for this table displays engagement with videos shared and uploaded to Huddles.

If you wish to change the data listed in this table, you can click on the gear at the top of the screen next to the Update button to change the report configuration.

To see more information about an individual Huddle participant, simply click on one of the data points in the table.

If you have permission to view the video or resource added, you will be able to access it directly from the report. You can also click on detail view to see more information.

Huddle Type Filters

By default, the Huddle report displays data for all Huddles in your account. The icon on the left side of each Huddle bar in the report indicates the type of Huddle:

If you wish to only view data for a particular kind of Huddle, you can use the first dropdown box at the top of the report to select certain types of Huddles for your report. (Note: If you are in multiple accounts, like in the sample below, the Huddle Type dropdown will be next to the Accounts dropdown.)

After choosing the Huddle types that you want to display, click Update.

Viewing Framework and Performance Level Data

If you wish to view Framework and Performance Level data in this report, you can change the report configuration by clicking on the gear next to the green update button and selecting the third default report, “Default Report Configuration 3: Frameworks, Tags, and Performance Levels”. You can also create your own custom configuration and add Frameworks and Performance Level to that configuration. You’ll then need to select a framework from the framework dropdown box.

The Huddle Report is a great way to see all of your team’s interactions with one another in different Huddles all in one place. Program managers can use this to compare different teams. It also allows you to inspect the work a coach or administrator is doing with various teams to make sure teams are getting equitable support. You can also export Huddle reports for accreditation and program compliance.

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