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Related Research: AI reports
TJ Hoffman avatar
Written by TJ Hoffman
Updated over 11 months ago

We will share links to research related to the various factors analyzed with Sibme AI. For a full list of AI reports, click here.

Closed vs. Open-Ended

  1. Knight, J. December 2022. Vol 80. No 4 The Beautiful Question

  2. Marangell, Samantha (2021). Melbourne Centre For The Study Of Higher Education, March 2021: Asking Questions To Support Student Learning In Class: Strategies And Tips For Small-Group Teaching

  3. Open-ended Versus Closed-ended Questions. St. Olaf College. 2023

  4. Sattes and Walsh (2005) Quality Questioning (p.56, p.122, p.25, p.15).

  5. 7 Tips for Teaching Students How to Ask Questions

Cold Call vs. Choral Response

  1. Choral Response TLAC 3.0 (p.301,302,305).

  2. Ginsburg, David (June 19, 2011) Education Week. Quest for the Best Questioning Strategy: Cold Calling vs. Choral Response

  3. Harvard Graduate School Expanding Participation Through Cold-Calling

  4. Terada, Youki (April 26,2023) Does Cold Calling Work? Here’s What the Research Says

  5. TLAC 3.0 (p.282,288,297-299).

  6. Sherrington, Tom. Feb. 2021. Cold Calling: The #1 strategy for inclusive classrooms – remote and in person.

Generic Praise Vs. Behavior Specific Praise

  1. (n.d.). Fundamental Skill Sheet, Behavior Specific Praise. Iris Center

  2. Jenkins, L. N., Floress, M. T., & Reinke, W. R. (2015). Rates and Types of Teacher Praise: A Review and Future Directions. Psychology in the Schools, 52 (5), 463-476.

  3. Panorama Education (n.d.). Guide to Behavior Specific Praise in the Classroom. Retrieved July 2, 2023,

Teacher Talk vs. Student Talk

  1. Barkley, Steve (June 10, 2018). Teacher Talk and Student Talk

  2. Coffey, Carlyn (May 16, 2022). Why is Measuring Student Talk Important?

  3. Gracey, Lori. (Who’s Doing the Talking in Our Classrooms?) TCEA TechNotes: Who’s Doing the Talking in Our Classrooms?,of%20which%20nine%20are%20procedural

  4. Hattie, John. Visible Learning for Teachers : Maximizing Impact on Learning, Taylor and Francis, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central,

  5. International Journal Of Applied Language And Cultural Studie (IJALCS) Vol. 2, No. 2, 2019. Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojchevska; Ivana Popovikj. Teacher Talking Time Vs. Student Talking Time: Moving Teacher-Centered Classroom To Learner-Centered Classroom

  6. Klara Sedova,Martin Sedlacek,Roman Svaricek,Martin Majcik,Jana Navratilova,Anna Drexlerova,Jakub Kychler,Zuzana Salamounova (October 2019). Science Direct. Do those who talk more learn more? The relationship between student classroom talk and student achievement

  7. Rogers, Richard James. December 2022 The Truth About Teacher Talking Time.

  8. Starr, Sandra Teacher-Talk: Supporting Teacher Practice

  9. Teach Like a Champion (05.08.19) Department Of Pet Peeves: Vilifying ‘teacher Talk’

Wait Time

  1. Kelly, Melissa. "Wait Time in Education." ThoughtCo, Jul. 29, 2021,

  2. Majeika, Caitlyn. Fundamental Skill Sheet, Wait Time. Iris Center

  3. McCarthy, J. (2018, January 10). Extending the Silence. Edutopia.

  4. Rowe, Mary Budd. Apr. 1972 Wait-Time and Rewards as Instructional Variables: Their Influence on Language, Logic and Fate Control.

  5. Stahl, Robert J. May 1994. Using “Think-Time” and “Wait-Time” Skillfully in the Classroom ERIC Digest

  6. Takayoshi, P and Van Ittersum, D. (2018). Wait Time: Making Space for Authentic Learning. Kent State University Center for Teaching and Learning

  7. Teacher Toolkit. Sept 2021. The Longer You Wait, The Better The Reward.

  8. Walsh, J. A., & Sattes, B. D. (2005). Quality questioning: Research-based practice to engage every learner. Corwin Press.

Words Per Minute

  1. Barnard. Dom. Nov. 2022. Average Speaking Rate and Words per Minute

  2. Birchfield, David.Sept. 2020 Slow Down: Why You’re Speaking Too Fast.

  3. Lundberg, Christian. Myth Busted-speedkills? The best rate for good presentations.

  4. The National Center for Voice and Speech. (n.d.). Voice Qualities

  5. Tool For Clear Speech. Speaking Rate. Baruch College. 2023

  6. Osbone, D. (2012). Teacher-Talk: A Sociolinguistic Variable

  7. Kelch, K. (1985). Modified input as an aid to comprehension. Studies in Second Language Acqui-sition

  8. Dahl, D. (1981). The role of experience in speech modifications for second language learners. Minnesota Papers in Linguistics and Philosophy of Language

  9. Holland, R. and T. Shortall. 2000. Classroom Research and Research Methods. Centre for English Language Studies. Birmingham University. (edited)

Flesch Kincaid

  1. Dunham, Sabrina. Lee, E. Persky, A.M. (August 8, 2020P The Psychology of Following Instructions and Its Implications. American Journal of Pharmeceutical Education.

  2. Falanga, Carmine R. Europass Teacher Academy. (May 4, 2023). 6 Public Speaking Tips for Teachers.

  3. Gacey, Lori. February 16, 2021 Who’s Doing the Talking in Our Classrooms? Technotes.

  4. Gathercole, S.E. & Alloway, T.P. (2008) Working Memory and Learning: A Practical Guide for Teachers Sage Publications, Ltd. Simplify Classroom Language.

  5. Lane, H.B., & Allen, S. (2010, February). The Vocabulary-Rich Classroom: Modeling Sophisticated Word Use to Promote Word Consciousness and Vocabulary Growth. The Reading Teacher, 63(5), 362–370.

  6. Sword, Rosalyn. Effective Communication in the Classroom: Skills for Teachers. (November 16, 2020.) High Speed Training.

Hands Raised References

  1. Boeheim, Ricardo, Urdan, T. Knogler, M. Seidel, T. June 24, 2020. Student hand-raising as an indicator of behavioral engagement and its role in classroom learning. Science Direct.

  2. Goodfellow, Riley. Raising your hand shouldn’t be the only way to participate in class. March 7, 2022. The GW Hatchet.

  3. Quora. Why is hand raising important in school?

  4. Thompson, Van, What are the Effects of Raising Hands in Class? September 8, 2022.

Movement References

  1. Aguiar Jr, A. S., Castro, A. A., Moreira, E. L., Glaser, V., Santos, A. R. S., Tasca, C. I., Latini, A., Prediger, R. D. S. (2011). Short bouts of mild-intensity physical exercise improve spatial learning and memory in aging rats: Involvement of hippocampal plasticity via AKT, CREB and BDNF signaling. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 132(11-12), 560-567. The Learning Center. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Movement and Learning

  2. Benden, Mark A., Mehta, R., Shortz, A. Standing up for Learning: A Pilot Investigation on the Neurocognitive Benefits of Stand-Biased School Desks. Dec. 22, 2015

  3. Erwin, H. E., Beighle, A., Routen, A., & Montemayor, B. (2017). Perceptions of using standing desks in a middle school classroom. Health Promotion Practice. doi:10.1177/1524839917730046.

  4. The 6 Best Ways to Incorporate Movement Into Your Lessons. InClass September 28, 2022

  5. Thinking on Your Feet: Cognitive Function Improves When Using Standing Up to Learn. January 14, 2016.

Gender References

  1. Johnson, Jesse. Teach Thought Staff. November 5, 2022. 6 Ways You Can Promote Gender Equality in Your Classroom.

  2. Noguera, Pedro. July 8, 2019. The Holdsworth Center. Equity isn’t just a slogan. It should transform the way we educate kids.

  3. Parks, Clint. National Geographic Society. October 19, 2023. Women Fighting Stereotypes and Systemic Discrimination in STEM.

  4. How to Encourage Gender Equity and Equality in the Classroom. July 16, 2020.

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