When creating Collaboration Huddles, you’ll be asked to choose a role for each participant in the Huddle. You can choose to make participants an Admin, Member, or Viewer in each Collaboration Huddle.
Who is this article for?
Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.
Super Admin
Account Owner
If you have permission to create Collaboration Huddles, you will default to be a Creator after creating the Huddle. When you add additional participants, each of the new participants will be a Member by default. You can change each participant’s role by selecting the appropriate type in the Role column of the participants section of the Huddle creation page.
Permissions for each participant role are described below:
By default, whoever creates the Collaboration Huddle will be the Creator
Manage Huddle settings, artifacts, and comments shared in the Huddle
Add and remove participants from the Huddle and change each participant’s role
Can give permissions to others in the Huddle by making them the Owner
Upload and download videos and resources in the Huddle
Delete all videos and resources in the Huddle
Crop all videos in the Huddle
Copy all videos in the Huddle to other Huddles
Comment on videos in the Huddle
Edit and delete all comments in the Huddle
Add and remove participants from a Huddle and change each participant’s role in the Huddle
Upload and download videos and resources in the Huddle
Delete all videos and resources in the Huddle
Crop all videos in the Huddle
Copy all videos in the Huddle to other Huddles
Comment on videos in the Huddle
Edit and delete all comments in the Huddle
View all videos and resources in the Huddle
Upload and download their own videos and resources in the Huddle
Delete their own videos and resources in the Huddle
Crop videos they upload
Copy videos they upload to other Huddles
Comment on videos in the Huddle
Edit and delete comments they make in the Huddle
View all videos and resources in the Huddle
Be sure to select the appropriate role for each participant in your Collaboration Huddle.
What’s Next:
If you’d like more information about creating and managing huddles, check out these articles:
After creating your Huddle you’ll want to: