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Edit a Framework and Performance Level | Sibme Help Center
Edit a Framework and Performance Level | Sibme Help Center

Sometimes it is necessary to go back and update a Framework or Performance Level. Here's how you can edit an existing Framework.

Jeff Ritter avatar
Written by Jeff Ritter
Updated over 8 months ago

Who is this article for?

Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.

● Account Owner

Steps to accomplish the task:

To start editing your Framework, return to the Frameworks editor through the Account Settings. Click Frameworks from the options.

From the Framework management screen in your Account Setting, select the 3 horizontal dots (More) button on the row of the Framework to change and choose Edit.

If the Framework has been Published, you will need to Unpublish the Framework before it can be edited.

Please be aware, once published, if the Framework has been utilized in the account, editing will impact analytics. We do not recommend editing a Framework once it has been published. If you make changes to a Framework once it has been published, any framework tags in videos will be changed or deleted.

A reminder on this will be prompted when you click EDIT.

After successfully clicking Edit, you will be able to change whether the Framework is shared with Child Accounts as well as the Framework Name and tier structure. After you have made the necessary edits, click the Next button or Cancel to return to the Framework management screen.

After clicking next, you will be able to edit the tier contents, including the Prefix and Standard Text. This is the same process as when building the Framework. More details can be found in the “How Do I Author Frameworks?” Help Article.

You may now go back by choosing Previous, Save, Cancel, or Save & Publish by clicking the down arrow next to Save.

You can edit Performance Levels by clicking on the 3 horizontal dots (More) button in the Framework column on the row to unpublish the framework, then click the 3 horizontal dots (More) button in the PL column, and click Edit.

This will take you to the Performance Level where you can edit the Performance Level. This is the same process as when building the Performance Level originally. More details can be found in the “How Do I Author Frameworks?” Help Article.

Once the Framework and/or Performance Levels have been edited, you cannot Publish the Framework to be used from the Framework management page. Select the 3 horizontal dots (More) button on the row of the Framework to publish and choose Publish.

The Framework is now ready to be used when watching a video in your Huddle/Workspace or when working on a Goals Action Items.

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