If you are an Assessor who doesn’t want feedback or assessment scores to be seen by their Assessees until all of them have been evaluated, then the Huddle can be set up to only show the feedback and scores when the Assessor wants. Using the “Publish feedback and assessment scores for all Assessees” More Huddle Setting will give the Assessor time to evaluate all submissions before Assessees can see the feedback.
Who is this article for?
Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your Sibme account administrator if you have permission.
Super Admin
Account Owner
Steps to accomplish the task:
If an Assessor wants to control when their Assessees can see their feedback and assessment scores (if an Assessment Custom Field has been setup for this purpose), then when creating the Assessment Huddle, the “Publish feedback and assessment scores for all Assessees” option should be turned on on the More Huddle Settings page.
When this setting is enabled, then on the main Assessment Huddle page for the Assessor there will be the “Publish feedback and scores” button. When the Assessor is ready for ALL Assessees to see their comments and assessment scores they just need to click the “Publish feedback and scores” button.
Please note that any comments or grades made after clicking the button will immediately be viewable by the Assessee. There is no way to make comments or assessment grades unviewable for ALL Assessees in an Assessment Huddle once the “Publish feedback and grades” button has been clicked.
What’s Next:
If you’d like more information about using and managing coaching Huddles, check out the following articles.