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How Do I Create an Assessment Huddle? | Sibme Help Center
How Do I Create an Assessment Huddle? | Sibme Help Center

Assessment Huddles are a powerful way for Assessees to submit work and for an Assessor to evaluate and track the work submitted.

Jeff Ritter avatar
Written by Jeff Ritter
Updated over a week ago

Assessment Huddles are a great way for Users to submit Artifacts for an Assessor to review and/or grade. Assessments have a due date that all Users must submit their Artifacts by so the Assessor can review them. Paired with Custom Fields, an Assessor can give feedback on the Artifacts and then give the Assessment a grade. A lot of Higher Ed institutions find the Sibme Assessment Huddle a very powerful way for Assessees to submit work and Assessors to assess the submitted work.

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Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.

  • Users

  • Admin

  • Super Admin

  • Account Owner

Creating an Assessment Huddle

Sibme's Assessment Huddles were designed to assess performance-based skills through assessee-submitted Artifacts.

If the Account Owner has enabled Assessment Tracker in this account, and the person wishing to create the Assessment Huddle has the appropriate level of permissions and privileges, the first step is to select the Huddle tab from the Home Screen.

From the Huddle Landing Page, select the green “Add Huddle” button. This will open a window with three choices of huddles:


When you select 'Create' under New Assessment Huddle, you will be taken to the page where you can add details for the Huddle.

You will need to name the Huddle, add a description, and select when the submission is due (date & time). PLEASE NOTE: ALL TIMES WILL BE STORED IN US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.

In addition, you will need to decide how many video and/or Resource submissions will be required--you can choose up to 20 for each.

Selecting the number of video and/or Resource submissions means that prior to the submission deadline, the Assessee can submit that number of Artifacts to their Assessment. Submissions can be submitted as many times as there are slots still available. This can be useful for students who realize they submitted the incorrect video or for students who decide that they want to re-record a video in an effort to make some improvement.

Moreover, the Assessor can choose the number of Custom Assessments Fields they would like to include in the Assessment. This might be a grade field or other field that the Account Owner had created for Assessors to use in the Assessment Huddles. More information about Custom Fields and Assessment Huddles can be found in the “How to Use Custom Fields for Assessments” Help Article.

Next, select the members or a group for this Huddle under Huddle Participants --these are the people who are already participating in your Account. Or, if you have permission, you may add a new user from outside of the Account.

After selecting the participants, select their role within the huddle. Will they be an Assessor or will they be an Assessee? By default, the person creating the account will be an Assessor in the Huddle. There can be multiple Assessors and there must be at least one Assessee in the Huddle.

NOTE: Assessees can only view and interact with Artifactsthey personally uploaded and will not be able to view Artifacts submitted by other participants in the Huddle.

Before leaving this screen, please select the “More Huddle Settings” button in the lower right side of the screen next to the green Create button. Here, you have additional choices.

The settings available under the More Huddle Settings allow the Assessor or Huddle Creator the ability to customize how the Huddle works. The following settings are available for Assessment Huddles:

  • Custom Video Markers: By default this setting is on and allows Custom Video Marked to be used when making Artifact comments.

  • Frameworks: By default this setting is on and allows Frameworks and Framework Tags to be used in this Huddle.

  • Assessee Can View Assessment Summary: By default this is on and allows the assessee to see the Assessment Summary report once it has been published.

  • Allow Assessee to Comment and Reply on Videos: By default this is off. If this setting was on, then Assessees would be able to make comments on their Artifacts.

  • Publish Feedback and Assessment Scores for All Assessee: By default this is off. Using this setting, Assessors control when Assessee see the results. Generally, Assessors leave this setting off until all the submitted Artifacts by Assessees have been evaluated and then they turn this setting on so Assessees can see the results.

  • Turn on Events: This is on by default and this setting allows Assessors to setup meetings in Sibme with their Assessees.

    • Appointment Booking: If Turn on Events is on, then this setting is on by default and allows an Assessee to book an appointment with an Assessor when they are free.

  • Suspend All Notifications for this Huddle: By default this setting is Off. If this setting is On, then no notifications for any events happening in this Huddle will be sent to Participants in the Huddle.

After completing your selections, select the green “Done” button. This will take you back to the “New Assessment Huddle” screen for a final review. When everything is reviewed, select the green “Create” button.

Sibme will automatically take you to the new Huddle that you just created.

While this article focused primarily on how to create an Assessment Huddle, there are additional articles that walk you through the steps of all of the tasks you can complete in an Assessment Huddle, such as tagging standards and identifying performance levels for the standards that are tagged. Please check below in the What’s Next section to find other Help Articles related to Assessment Huddles.

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