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How Do I Create a Goal? | Sibme Help Center
How Do I Create a Goal? | Sibme Help Center

You can create goals for yourself, for one other user in your account, or for groups of users in your account.

TJ Hoffman avatar
Written by TJ Hoffman
Updated over 3 months ago

You can create goals for yourself, for one other user in your account, or for groups of users in your account to work on individually or as a group. The steps below will help you create goals, add collaborators, and define the action items that will measure the progress of the goal.

Who is this article for?

Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.

  • Users

  • Admin

  • Super Admin

  • Account Owner

Steps to accomplish the task:

Step 1: Click on the Goals Tab from the top menu or from inside your Workspace or Huddle.



NOTE: If you click on the goals tab in your Workspace, you will only be able to create a goal for yourself. If you click on the goals tab in a Huddle, only Huddle participants can be added as Goal Owners/Collaborators for that Goal.

NOTE: Both Huddle Goals and Workspace Goals can be created by clicking on the Goals menu option or by clicking on the “View Goals” button on the Home Screen. But only a Huddle Goal can be created from a Huddle and only a Workspace Goal can be created in your Workspace.

Step 2: You can create a new goal by clicking on the Green Plus button or by clicking on “New Goal” in the center of the screen (if you are not currently participating in any goals)

If you are creating a new goal by clicking on the Goal Tab in your Workspace or in a Huddle, skip to step 4.

Step 3 (in the Account-Wide Goals area only): Select if you would like your goal to be a Huddle Goal, a Workspace Goal, or an Account-Wide Goal. To learn more about the different Goal Types, click here.

Step 4: Select who you want to own the Goal. The Goal Owner will be the person who works on the goal and who will be given “credit” for Goal progress. Your three options (you will not see all three depending on where you are creating the goal and your user role permissions) are the following:

  • An Individual: You are creating a single Goal for a single user to work on by themselves.

  • Many Individuals: You are creating a single Goal for multiple users to work on by themselves. Each user will only see their own Goal, but Collaborators and Account Owners/Super Admins (depending on account permissions) will be able to see progress for all Individuals in a list view for this type of Goal.

  • A Group: You are creating a single Goal for multiple users to work on together. This means that multiple users will be able to add evidence, reflection, and measurement to the same action item and see one another’s work.

Click New below the option you wish to select.

NOTE: From here you can choose to create a Goal from scratch by clicking on “New” or (if you have access to Templates in your account) to use a Template Goal. The steps below are for creating a Goal from Scratch. If you want to use a Template Goal, click here.

Step 5: Add Goal Owners and Collaborators to your Goal. Search for someone in the search box, or click the Directory button for a list of all Users and Groups. Select the User you wish to add and then click the blue Add button.

After you click Add, the users will show up on a list.

Note: If you are creating a Huddle Goal in a Huddle, you will only see Huddle Participants in the list.

If you are creating a Huddle Goal from the Account-Wide Goals area, you will first need to select the Huddle where you want to add the Goal, and then you can click “Roles” to assign roles to Huddle Participants.

Select Huddle View:

Assign Roles to Huddle Participant’s Popup:

Step 6: Select the role you would like for each User by clicking on the tile next to their name. You must add at least one Owner for each Goal. Collaborator Roles will not be able to be selected if you have selected Owner for that User. Selected roles will turn dark gray.

Once you have added all the users you need to your goal, click Next.

Step 7: Give your Goal a title, start date, and end date. You also have the option to create a description for your Goal and add categories to it. Click Next.

Step 8: Adding Action Items

On the next screen, you will be able to add as many Action Items as you’d like. For each Action Item, create a Title and choose the Action Item Start Date and End Date. You also have the option to add an Action Item description and choose whether to Add Measurement for the Action Item. If you Add Measurement, you can choose to Measure progress either with a number (#) or with a percentage (%). Measurement will affect progress on Action Items and Goals.

Once you have made all the necessary choices for the Action Item, click Add Action Item to add the current one to your Goal.

Once you have added an Action Item it will display at the top of the screen. You can re-order, edit or delete your Action Items from this list view. You can also repeat step 8 again to add more Action Items or you can click Next to continue.

Note: You cannot click Next if you have text in the Title, Start Date, or End Date Categories.

Step 9: Review your Goal on the final page. From here, you can click Optional Settings to enable/disable them. Click Save and Publish to set your goal live. If you would like to save the goal but not publish it live, click the arrow in the green button and select Save Only.

What’s Next:

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