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How to Bulk Update User Data in Sibme | Sibme Help Center
How to Bulk Update User Data in Sibme | Sibme Help Center

Bulk Update existing Users' data using a CSV import.

Jeff Ritter avatar
Written by Jeff Ritter
Updated over a month ago

As an Account Owner (AO) or Super Admin (SA) in Sibme, you now have the capability to bulk update existing user profiles directly from the People page using a CSV import. This feature streamlines the process of managing user information, allowing you to efficiently add, modify, or remove data across multiple profiles simultaneously.

Who is this article for?

Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your Sibme account administrator if you have permission.

  • Account Owner

  • Super Admin

Exporting Existing User Data

To begin the bulk update process, you'll first need to export the current user data:

  1. Navigate to the People Page: Log in to your Sibme account and click on the "People" tab.

  2. Access the Bulk Update Function: At the top-right corner of the page, you'll find the "Add/Update Multiple People" section. Click on the white "Update Multiple People" button.

  3. Download the User Data CSV: You'll be directed to a page with instructions and a "Download User Data CSV" button. Click this button to download the CSV file containing your current user data.

    • For Parent Accounts: You have the option to download data for the Parent Account only or include Child Account data as well.

    • File Naming Convention: The downloaded file will be named "UserUpdateData - yyyy-mm-dd.csv," where "yyyy-mm-dd" represents the download date.

Preparing the CSV File for Import

After downloading the CSV file:

  1. Open the CSV File: Use a spreadsheet application (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets) to open the file.

  2. Review and Edit Data: Make the necessary changes to user information. You can:

    • Add Data: Fill in empty fields with new information.

    • Modify Data: Update existing information as needed.

    • Remove Data: To delete existing data, clear the content of the desired fields; leaving a field empty will remove its data upon import.

  3. Custom Fields: If you're utilizing Custom Fields, you can add or update information in these columns. Ensure that any new Custom Fields are created in Sibme before importing the data.

  4. Important Considerations:

    • Account ID and User ID: Do not alter the Account ID or User ID columns, as these are unique identifiers essential for matching records. Changing these IDs will result in validation errors during import.

    • Username Changes: Usernames can be updated if necessary but please note this will affect how a User logs into Sibme.

    • Roles: User roles can be modified by selecting a new role from the designated dropdown menu.

Importing the Updated CSV File

Once you've made the necessary updates:

  1. Return to the People Page: Navigate back to the "Update Multiple People" section.

  2. Upload the CSV File: Click the "Upload" button and select your updated CSV file.

  3. Validation Process: After uploading, the system will validate the data:

    • Error Handling: If there are discrepancies or errors (e.g., altered Account IDs), they will be highlighted in red. You'll need to correct these errors before proceeding.

    • Warnings: Fields with changes will display a "Ready to update" status in purple, indicating pending modifications.

    • Data Removal: Fields left empty will show an "Empty Field. Data will be removed." warning in purple, signifying that the existing data will be deleted upon import.

  4. Finalize the Import: Once all errors are resolved and you're satisfied with the changes:

    • Confirm Updates: Review the summary of changes.

    • Import Data: Click the "Next" button to initiate the import process. A confirmation message will indicate the number of users queued for updates.

    • Download Updated CSV: For your records, you can download a copy of the updated data by clicking "Download Updated CSV."

  5. Completion: Click "Finish" to conclude the process and return to the People page.

Additional Notes

  • Unchanged Rows: Rows without any modifications will be skipped during the import, leaving the existing data intact.

  • Parent Accounts: When updating data in a Parent Account, only Custom Fields shared with Child Accounts can be imported.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage and update user information in bulk, ensuring your Sibme account remains current and organized.

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