Depending on your individual role in your Sibme account, and the privileges granted to you by Goal Creators, Goal Owners, and Account Owners, your access to different parts of other users’ goals will vary. This article outlines the default rules for access to other users’ goals, as well as some common scenarios beyond the default.
Who is this article for?
Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.
Super Admin
Account Owner (Only Account Owners will be able to make account-wide changes to the default settings)
Goal Roles:
Each Goal has two types of Roles:
Goal Owner
Goal Owners are the people who the goal is “tracked” for. In other words, the Goal belongs to the Goal Owner and all evidence and progress are attributable to the Goal Owner(s) for a Goal.
Collaborators can help create, provide evidence, and mark the completion of a goal, based on the privileges they are granted. More on that later.
Goal Privileges:
The following outlines different privileges that exist for Goals:
Create/Edit Goals - Create the descriptions, deadlines, and allowed evidence types for Goals and related Action Items.
Create/Edit Goal Templates - Create the descriptions and allowed evidence types for Goals and related Action Items.
Use existing Goal Templates to create Goals - Create Individual, Group, or Account Goals based on Goal Templates that have already been created.
View Goals - There are two types of View access to Goals:
Goal Overview Access: The ability to see a list of Goals with the current status of each goal.
Goal Details Access: The ability to see a Goal’s individual action items, measurement values, and attached evidence:
Other Goal Privileges:
Evidence: Add Evidence and Measurement to Action Items and mark Action Items done.
Review Goals: provide feedback on Action Items for a Goal, mark action items incomplete, and change Measurement values for Action Items.
Default Privileges for Each Goal:
Goal Owners have all Goal Privileges for the Goals they own.
Goal Collaborators can be granted any combination of the following privileges when they are added as a Collaborator:
View (This grants Goal Details Access to the Goal)
Default Privileges for Account Roles:
Account Owners have Goal Overview Access for all goals in the account and create goals for themselves and others and use existing Templates (but cannot create templates) to create goals. They can be assigned as a Goal Owner or Collaborator with any privileges for every Goal in the account.
Super Admins have Goal Overview Access for all goals in the account and create goals for themselves and others and use existing Templates (but cannot create templates) to create goals. They can be assigned as a Goal Owner or Collaborator with any privileges for every Goal in the account.
Account Owners can create goals for themselves and others and use existing Templates (but cannot create Goal Templates) to create goals. They can be assigned as a Goal Owner or Collaborator with any privileges for every Goal in the account.
Users can create goals for themselves. They can be assigned as a Goal Owner. By default, Users cannot be added as Collaborators on Goals.
Changing Default Privileges
Account Owners can change Default Privileges for all Admins and Users (in bulk) in Account Settings by navigating to Goal Settings and then picking the Privileges Tab:
Super Admins and Admins can make changes to individual User’s and Admin’s Privileges in the People Tab by selecting the Access icon next to an individual User/Admin and then choosing Privileges.