Goal Owners will be the owners of a goal and will be in charge of providing Evidence and completing Action Items for that Goal. Goal Owners are the people who the goal is “tracked” for. In other words, the Goal belongs to the Goal Owner and all evidence and progress is attributable to the Goal Owner(s) for a Goal. If you are an Admin, Super Admin, or Account Owner, you can make either yourself or other people a Goal Owner. The default permission for Users is to create goals where they are the owner.
Who is this article for?
Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.
Super Admin
Account Owner
Steps to accomplish the task:
You can add Goal Owners when creating a new Goal or when editing an already existing Goal. Please be aware that depending on which type of Goal you create, Goal Owners will behave differently:
Individual: All Goal Owners will receive their own copy of the Goal to work on independently.
Group: All Goal Owners will share the goal. They will all be able to work on the Goal together and will be able to submit their own Evidence and contribute to the Reflection on a single copy of the goal.
Account: No Goal Owners are needed for an Account Goal because everyone in the account will receive their own copy of the Goal.
Template: Template Goals do not have Goal Owners until they are turned in to an Individual or Group Goal and given to users.
Every Goal must have at least one goal owner.
To add a Goal Owner, click the gear icon across from Goal Owner on the Goal creation page.
From the pop-up, search for either a name or a group who you would like to be the Goal Owner(s) and then click on the name to select that person or group. You can add as many people or groups you would like. When you are done, click save.
To remove a Goal Owner, follow the same steps as above to get to the list. Click the X to the far right of the Goal Owner to remove them from the list. Please be aware that since every Goal must have at least one Goal Owner, if you want to remove a Goal Owner and they are the only one, you will need to add another Goal Owner and then delete the person you want to remove. Be sure to click Save when you are done removing them as Goal Owners.