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Huddle and Coaching Reports Overview | Sibme Help Center
Huddle and Coaching Reports Overview | Sibme Help Center

Huddle Tracker & Reporting is a powerful way to segment your data to get a complete picture of what is happening in Huddles.

Jeff Ritter avatar
Written by Jeff Ritter
Updated over 4 years ago

Huddle Tracker & Reporting provides those with access an overview of what is happening in the Huddles in the Account. Depending on which Report or Tracker chosen, different points of view can be used to gather information. For example, in a Coaching Report, you can see data from either a Coach or Coachee point of view and in an Assessment Huddle, you can see data from an Assessor or Assessee point of view. This is a powerful way to segment your data to get a complete picture of what is happening in Huddles.

Who is this article for?

Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your Sibme account administrator if you have permission.

  • Admin

  • Super Admin

  • Account Owner

Steps to accomplish the task:

The Huddle Tracker & Reporting page will be accessible from the Landing Page for Account Owners, Super Admins and anyone who has permission to either create a Coaching or Assessment Huddles.

A Coach or an Assessor can also get to the Huddle Tracker & Reporting page via the Huddle Landing page or via their respective Huddles.

On the Huddle Tracker & Reporting page, there are 4 tabs to gather data from the different Huddle types:

  • Coaching Tracker: enables Coaches, Account Owners, or Super Admins to track video coaching sessions/cycles as well as holding Coaches accountable for providing timely and adequate feedback to their Coachees.

  • Coaching Report: gather data on what Coaches and Coachees have been doing in their Coaching Huddle. The data can be aggregated by Coach or by Coachee in this report.

  • Assessment Report: enables Assessors to know which videos were submitted on time by Assessees and also helps the Assessor keep track of which videos they have or have not viewed/provided feedback. Assessment Reports can be custom configured to report any data on activity or outcomes in Assessment Huddles.

  • Huddle Report: gather data from different Huddle types for a complete view of engagement in your account. The Huddle Report is not limited to just one type of Huddle like the other reports, but allows Account Owners and Super Admins the ability to select different Huddle types and different reports of view. Admins can also be granted access to the Huddle Report.

While this article gives an overview of the Huddle Tracker & Reporting page, more details on each Tracker or Report can be found on their own articles.

The Huddle Tracker and Reporting functionality is a powerful tool to gather and report on activity and engagement in the Huddles on your account. Being able to look at the different Huddle types separately or together allows for a greater understanding and comparison account wide. And being able to look at a Coachee vs. Coach or Assessee vs. Assessor view gives the ability to drill down even further.

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