If Canvas has been setup to work with Sibme, then a Sibme Huddle or the Library can be added directly into an Assignment within Canvas. This allows Canvas users the ability to quickly access Artifacts, Discussions, and other functionality within a Canvas assignment. Before Sibme can be Used in Canvas, the Canvas Integration within Sibme needs to be configured. More information can be found in the Canvas SSO Integration Overview Help Article.
Who is this article for?
Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your Sibme account administrator if you have permission.
Super Admin
Account Owner
Steps to accomplish the task:
When the Sibme Canvas SSO Integration has been turned on, the following steps will allow a Huddle or the Library to be used within a Canvas Assignment:
1. In Sibme, go to the More Huddle Settings of the Huddle you would like to add to Canvas and click on the “Copy Canvas Code” button.
If you would like to use the Library in Canvas, then an Account Owner can go into Account Settings > Integrations > Enable Canvas and click on the “Copy Code” in the Library Code Snippet area.
In both cases, the necessary code that needs to be added to Canvas is copied and can be pasted into the External App of the Assignment.
2. To add Sibme as an Assignment within a Canvas Course, then click the blue “+ Assignment” button, give the Assignment a name, and then select “External Tool” as the Submission Type.
3. After you have selected “External Tool” as the Submission Type, then click Find and choose “Sibme” from the list of External Tools. Depending on your Canvas implementation, you may need to scroll down to find it. Once you have selected “Sibme”, then paste the code you copied from the Huddle or the Library into the URL field next to the Find button. The URL field may need to be cleared and the new URL pasted into the field. Be sure to click Save and Publish to publish the Assignment.
4. Once you have published the Assignment, then Sibme will appear within Canvas. Users will be able to access Artifacts and participate in Discussions. They will also be able to use the green ‘+’ button to get to other functions like Upload Video, Upload Resource, etc. If the choice under the green ‘+’ button has a Sibme logo to the right of it, that means that the full Sibme platform will open up in a new tab so the User can complete that task. Also, Resources have the Sibme logo and will open in a new tab so the full functionality of Document Commenting can be used.
Once the Assignment has been configured correctly to work with Sibme, then Sibme will appear within Canvas for Users to use. This will allow Canvas and Sibme Users to work more efficiently on both platforms.