Videos uploaded to your account’s Video Library can be tagged with keywords, subjects, and topics to help you organize the video for other people in your account to search and view later.
Who is this article for?
Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.
Super Admin
Account Owner
Adding or Uploading a Video to the Library
There are two ways to upload videos and resources to your Video Library.
Option 1: Uploading the video directly from the main Video Library page.
When you click the green “Upload Video” button on the main Video Library page, you will see a popup window that asks you to name, describe, and categorize the video you will upload. Simply create a Title for your video, add a description (optional), check the Categories and Subcategories you wish to tag the video with, and click Next to finish uploading your video with the tagged Categories and Subcategories.
You will then be directed to a second popup where you will select the file you wish to upload. This process is identical to any other video or file upload to Sibme.
Option 3: Tagging Videos when sharing from Workspace or Huddles to the Video Library
When you click the “Share” icon on a video in your Workspace or Huddles and choose to share the video to the Video Library, you will see existing Categories and Subcategories listed on the popup that appears. Simply check the Categories and Subcategories you wish to tag the video with and click Share.
Your video will share with the existing Title and the Categories/Subcategories you select. If you wish to edit the description, you can do so by clicking on the three dots below the thumbnail of the video you shared on the main Video Library page and then clicking “Description.” You can also edit the Title of the video by clicking “Rename” and edit Categories/Subcategories from the same menu.
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