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Video Library in a Parent/Child Account | Sibme Help Center
Video Library in a Parent/Child Account | Sibme Help Center
TJ Hoffman avatar
Written by TJ Hoffman
Updated over 2 years ago

The Video Library is a public space where you can share videos with all users in your account. When you have a Parent/Child account setup, you have two choices for configuring your video library.

  • You can enable a single Video Library that will be available in all accounts. In this scenario, Account Owners and Super Admins can upload videos in the Video Library that will be available in every account related to the Parent Account and visible to all users in every account.

  • You can enable unique Video Libraries for each account. In this scenario, Account Owners and Super Admins can upload videos to the Video Library for each individual account. Only users related to each child account will be able to view videos in the Video Library for that account. Additionally, in this scenario, you could have videos in the Parent Account Video Library that would not be visible to users in any of the Child Accounts.

To see Videos in Video Libraries housed in different accounts, click on the dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the main Video Library page:

User Permissions in different accounts

Different User-Roles have different permissions in the Video Library. By default, Viewers, Users, and Admins only have permission to view videos in the Video Library. Remember that User-Roles are specific to each account. So someone who is an Account Owner in a Child account and a User in the Parent account would be able to manage videos in the Child account Video Library, but only view videos in the Parent account Video Library.

Who is this article for?

Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.

  • Account Owner

Steps to accomplish the task:

If you are the Account Owner for your account and you have a Parent/Child setup. You can contact your Customer Success Manager or [email protected] to find out more about how to change the configuration of your Video Library.

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