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Transcribing Videos | Sibme Help Center
Transcribing Videos | Sibme Help Center

If transcription is turned on, videos uploaded are transcribed and the transcription is available to be viewed and exported.

Jeff Ritter avatar
Written by Jeff Ritter
Updated over 4 months ago

When a video is uploaded to Sibme, it is transcribed and the transcription is available to be viewed and exported. If a transcription is not automatically available for your video or audio file, you can transcribe the video from the more menu.

NOTE: Videos uploaded to Sibme prior to August 30, 2023 might not have been automatically transcribed.

Transcription must be run on an audio/video file to run AI Reporting on the file. If you run an AI report on a file, the audio/video file will automatically transcribe before generating the AI report.

Who is this article for?

Based on the default user settings in the Sibme platform, you should have permission to complete this task if you are one of the user levels listed below. If you do not see the screens in this article, you can ask your administrator if you have permission.

  • Users

  • Admin

  • Super Admin

  • Account Owner

While everyone will be able to view transcriptions of videos, only people who have permission to manage videos will be able to edit the transcription. By default, only Account Owners and Super Admins have this permission, but it can be enabled for Admins and Users as well.

To learn more about Library permissions, click here.

Transcribe your video

If Transcription is not visible on your audio or video file, click the ... (more) menu and select transcribe. Transcription will take time to run so you can return to your video/audio after a while to view your transcription. The length of time it takes to transcribe a video or audio file depends on the length of the file itself.

Viewing Transcripts

To view a transcription, click on the Transcribe tab in the video. The transcription will auto-scroll with time-stamps as you watch the video. To jump to a particular point in the video, click the time-stamp next to the section of the transcription you wish to view.

Web View

Mobile View

Search Transcription

Directly above the text of the video transcript is a search bar. Use the search bar to find any text in the video transcript. You can then go to the moment in the video that corresponds to the text.

Export Transcription

You can also export the text of your video transcription by clicking on the three dots above the transcript on the video page. You can export the transcript as a PDF, Word file, or Excel file.

Editing your Transcription

Users with permission to edit videos will also be able to edit the text in a video transcription. To edit the text of a transcription, click the ... more menu in the upper right corner of the transcription pane and select Edit Mode

Then click on the text you wish to edit to open the edit mode for that block of text. You can scroll through the entire transcription to edit different blocks of text. Once you have made all the changes you wish to make, click Save in the bottom right corner.

Currently, only the text of transcription can be edited. Time-stamps for transcriptions are generated automatically and cannot be edited.

Lastly, scroll to the top of the screen and exit edit mode.

Once a user has edited a transcription the edited version will be labeled with a yellow bar at the top of the transcription. You can then switch back to the AI-generated transcription by clicking "See original version."

NOTE: Editing Transcriptions has no effect on AI reports. All AI reporting will be based off of the original transcription of a video.


Sibme AI will automatically detect the primary language being spoken in the audio or video and transcribe in that language. For a complete list of the languages available, click here.

Because some AI Reports have to be custom-trained, they are only available in English, Spanish, French, and Mandarin. For this reason, you can re-run a transcript in these languages manually if the auto-detected transcript is inaccurate or incorrect. To manually re-run the transcript, click the three dots above the transcript and select "Re-run transcript"

This will allow you to choose from the four languages listed above and then re-transcribe your recording.

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